By wtf - 29/11/2010 16:05 - United States

Today, my parents went to the Cayman Islands, leaving me at home in freezing Iowa. Also, even though I never get into trouble, they don't trust me enough to be home on my own. So they hired a babysitter to stay with me until they get back. I'm 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 252
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

make love to the babysitter, that will show them.

perdix 29

Is he or she hawt? If so, you know what to do. Turn the babysitter into your own personal ho.


BeRealz 0

Run to Colorado, Texas, or whichever state labels 17 yr olds as a adult.

Its because you are underage... not because they don't trust you. if I was going that far away, I'd have an adult with my kids too.

babez11 0

lol i bet ur babysitters younger then u!!!!

you know my parents would had done the same thing it doesn't mean they don't trust you they are just being responsible. now I will say this person should prob stop by and check on u and not stay. btw I'm 23 and my parents go to cancun every year since I was 16. and maybe your folks are crazy.

haha wow what crazy parents. then again i know alot of hs kids still prob "party" it up i would have done the same thing

BeRealz 0

At least you're with a rich family.... I think..

Jester7 0

is she cute? cause then dude what are you complaining for! haha