By wtf - 29/11/2010 16:05 - United States

Today, my parents went to the Cayman Islands, leaving me at home in freezing Iowa. Also, even though I never get into trouble, they don't trust me enough to be home on my own. So they hired a babysitter to stay with me until they get back. I'm 17. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 252
You deserved it 4 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

make love to the babysitter, that will show them.

perdix 29

Is he or she hawt? If so, you know what to do. Turn the babysitter into your own personal ho.


at least you can laugh that they're wasting a ton of money in the sitter. look on the bright side!

Wow I can't believe you had to get a fucken baby sitter your fucken 17 you don't need an baby sitter I would Piss off the baby sitter and hope the baby sitter would run away

103 I think you used the words 'baby sitter' a few too many times in your sentence.

I wouldn't trust a 17 yo either! duh! your patents are smart.

archphantom 0

1: You are a minor and they have legal liability to make sure there is a responsible adult with you. It proves they care so just deal with it. 2: If you really are trustworthy then it isn't a big deal for you to have company while they are gone anyway. You didn't have plans to do anything that could get you into trouble ... right???

FriendlyFires 0

dude that sucks,Lol no more free ****!!!!!!! lol but you a babysitter which better than a video:D get what I'm sayin??

dude WTF u talking about "freezing" iowa that place us WARM compared to Fairbanks

I feel your pain, I live in Iowa too and I would be pissed as hell if my mom left on a warm vacation without me and then hired a babysitter on top of that. :(

read the post. op is a good kid, it's highly unlikely that they were going to throw a huge party.