By Celewyn - 04/10/2016 11:11 - Australia

Today, my patient knocked my glasses off as I assisted him in the shower. We both looked in terror as they fell into his unflushed toilet. This patient was isolated due to a contagious infection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 083
You deserved it 1 029

Same thing different taste


ashyash90 8

Glasses are expensive but your health is priceless. Use a ghetto pair from CVS until you can afford a new pair. Also, from what you said, he probably feels just as bad about it as you are exasperated by it so cut the guy some slack and be nice to him.

Well, likely you have access to gloves, at least, and a lot of rubbing alcohol.

Color me ignorant of customs in regions not my own, but aren't you supposed to have the full body suit for contagious patients? Or a face mask?