By Anonymous - 05/05/2014 02:58 - United States - Mount Airy

Today, I once again had to tell one of my elderly patients not to grope me. He responded by throwing his bedpan at me. It was full. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 294
You deserved it 4 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The fact he needs a bedpan shows that he's too old to grope anything

he wants his action and wants it now dammit!


The fact he needs a bedpan shows that he's too old to grope anything

Don't worry OP, I'll save him a spot in hell ;)

You don't have to be elderly to need a bedpan. So it doesn't show anything except an inability to control bowel movements.

You don't have to be old to use a bed pan at all, you could be young and temporarily bed bound due to illness, surgery or injury etc...

Yes, but her comment was in response to number 1 saying that the use of a bed pan is proof positive of age.

cryssycakesx3 22

You clearly do not work with the elderly. You only use a bedpan on those who have "mobility". #gottalovebeingaCNA

If they had mobility, they would be able to get up and use the bedside commode or regular restroom.

musicdreams1984 4

#1 He threw his piss/shit on her. That's all you need to know. Nobody in ANY profession should ever have to deal with that. If you think she deserves it, you are SICK.

he wants his action and wants it now dammit!

Lol. This made me think of the old J. G. Wentworth commercials, "its my money and i want it now!".

badluckalex 23

most annoying commercial ever made

69 likes? I think I'll leave it at that.

And some people just give ya the *****.

For those who think I directed that at 3, you can also shit in a bed pan.

fooltemptress 36

While it's inappropriate, I can't help but feel a little sorry for the guy. He's doing his business in a bedpan and the most he can hope for is a cheap thrill anymore. Although, I have heard things can get pretty freaky between the patients in a retirement home ...

So being old is an excuse to molest people now? Pathetic or not, he had no right to grope OP.

Some people with certain conditions, ie Alzheimer's, don't understand boundaries anymore. For all we know, the patient could have thought OP was his wife. When my Oma was in an old folks home she would get into the bed of random men thinking it was her husband. It's very tragic really.

fooltemptress 36

35-Did you skip the part of my reply where I stated that what he did was inappropriate? What he did was wrong, but I am still allowed to feel a little sorry for the guy. As people get older, they tend to develop mental issues like Alzheimer's and dementia on top of a whole host of other physical problems. He's at the end of his life, ******** in a bedpan at a retirement home. If he needs a bedpan, odds are high that he's sharing a room with someone else and doesn't even have any privacy anymore. He relies on other people to help him with the most basic, intimate functions of his life, things that he, barring some disability we don't know about, has been able to do the majority of his life on his own. His odds of having sex again are pretty close to nil, which can be a difficult thing for anyone to come to terms with. So yeah, I think I'm allowed to feel a little sorry for the guy, even though what he did was clearly inappropriate.

ChristianH39 30

40, I think if he had the presence of mind to understand OP telling him not to grope her and sling a bedpan in response, that he was probably lucid enough to know what he was doing in the first place. Don't forget, assholes get old too

Old people can get away with so much... I kind of envy them!

They really shouldn't be allowed to, sexual harassment is still not ok no matter how old the offender is.

Elderly people are stubborn in their ways sometimes...