By Baegel - 02/03/2016 01:52 - United States - Havertown

Today, my psycho ex defaced my car. She didn't key it or slash my tires. She posted "TRUMP 2016" bumper stickers all over it. I don't know what glue they use, but it's been 2 hours and I haven't gotten any of them off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 908
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste


You should build a giant wall around your car and charge your ex for it.

If you spray DW-40 on the stickers and use a scraper, they should be easier to remove.

Gbaby476 2

You're going to need an eraser wheel. A detail shop can help...

boricubana 7

Try goo gone. It works great.

I guess you're saying that you can't stump the Drumpf

KaywinnetLeeFrye 15

That's evil but also the most hilarious thing I've ever heard.

Use a blow drier or heat gun to get the glue off easier

Ask nearby stores or buildings if they had a camera towards your car. you have it on tape you can go to a cop and after a but she'll be paying to repaint your car