By loki - 13/03/2010 09:17 - United States

Today, my roommate and I finally went to the DMV to transfer our vehicle ownership title to our names. On our way out, we joked that we were now responsible for any violations involving our car. We came back to a $35 parking ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 966
You deserved it 23 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hanfan79 0

I'm confused.... why do you share a car with your roommate?

XxKeLs3yxX 0

stop complaining! it couldve been a lot more than just $35. This isn't really a FML


Haha, welcome to the world of responsibility.

hanfan79 0

I'm confused.... why do you share a car with your roommate?

yeah that seems like a recipe for disaster.

koco4 0

they share a car because $35 is a lot of money to them LOL

SeedlessMe 13

sO cOol dude! Ydi for being a douche and ur roomate a jerk!!

XxKeLs3yxX 0

stop complaining! it couldve been a lot more than just $35. This isn't really a FML

nobridgejustwate 0

"LEIK ZOMG NAO WE BE OWNIN OUR CAR!!!11!" I can only imagine how ****** your life is over a $17.5 parking ticket. If you share the car, you share the responsibilities AND the tickets.

KurouTenshi 0

stop being a whiny bitch and fifty fifty that shit. or you can argue over who pays the majority if not all, and ultimately become enemies over some cheap ass fine. the choice is yours the game begins now.

yoitssabrina 0

thats ironic :P haha i agree with #7!

I agree. Your life isn't ****** over thirty-five dollars.

Two roomies sharing ownership of a car, now matter how close of BFFs they may be, is a bad ******* idea. YDI