By apparentlythereisnokarma - 01/01/2013 21:00 - Canada - Didsbury

Today, my roommate stumbled in drunk at 5am with 3 Big Macs, and passed out on the floor after eating them. This happens almost every night. I stay in, study, work, and go to the gym almost everyday. And she still has better grades, a better body, and makes more money than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 770
You deserved it 4 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chelsea_bella 20


I'm betting she has some fun on the side with the teachers and her boss for those grades and money.

Yeah. Because if someone is better than you they are cheating. That is the mentality of a loser.

I doubt you both are taking the same exact classes with the same exact professors. Even if you both have the same majors there are different professors for one course. A few years ago I had a roommate who wasn't the brightest crayon in the box (she once asked how I knew Canadian geese were from Canada), her adviser always told her the easiest professors and she always did okay. Try finding out who the easier professors are so you don't have to work as hard.

smokestrong 1
skyeyez9 24

Maybe the stress of maintaining a great body, good grades and a stressful job drove her to become an alcoholic.

I lived in that same situation three years ago. It was a great day when I bought my condo. Trust me it pays off, and now I have the better body. She is still stuck in the tiny apartment because she can't save.

nelliealexis 3

Im so sorry. This makes me so sad.

saffy66 34

If she's doing that every night she clearly has issues. Maybe the pressure to be perfect will all get too much for her soon. Don't compare yourself to others. The only things you need measure up to are the goals & standards you set for yourself. At least she's going out to party & isn't doing it at home & disturbing your study.

I like you! I think that is a really good comment!