By ididn'tevendoanythingwrong - 10/02/2015 18:05 - United States - Tampa

Today, my roommates told me they want me to move out of our apartment. We would have never gotten the apartment without my credit score, and most of the furniture is mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 088
You deserved it 2 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chillandfun 12

Take all the furniture with you. If it's yours than there's nothing they can do. After that they'll regret asking you to move out.


so move out and take all of your furniture with you. **** them.

What a traitor roommates. Don't know how to be thankful. Take all your furnitures, your the owner.

i would asks them to leave or u will get poor credit score over them.

Bigfabthetruth52 22

well **** them sounds like you were used.time to hop in that u-haul van pack all wats rightfully yours and hopefully find some non pessimistic people to live with.

fine, move out and take all you shit with you. Don't forget to have your name taken off the lease.

find some new roommates, find a new apartment, get your name off the lease the hire some people to move your shit.

Well if they want to be like that take all the furniture that is yours and see if you can get them kicked out some how also. That's what I would do.

Don't leave. You don't have to. They have no right to make you.