By ididn'tevendoanythingwrong - 10/02/2015 18:05 - United States - Tampa

Today, my roommates told me they want me to move out of our apartment. We would have never gotten the apartment without my credit score, and most of the furniture is mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 088
You deserved it 2 768

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chillandfun 12

Take all the furniture with you. If it's yours than there's nothing they can do. After that they'll regret asking you to move out.


if the apartment is being paid for under your credit card, then move out, take the furniture with you, and when it comes time to pay the bills, don't pay at all. Then they will either be evicted or have to pay themselves :-)

Queen_of_Night 20

Except that it goes against OP's credit score and if the landlord takes it to court (and yes, that can happen), it will be OP's name on the docket.

Siettadulce 21

I've been in a similar situation before, hope everything works out!

Little bitches..... In all seriousness, if you do go make sure to notify your landlord in writing and that they (landlord) should not continue to rent to them (room mates) on the assumption you are still living there as you will not be responsible for their rent. ;)

Malaki691 15

As long as your name is on the lease they can't kick you out..

Queen_of_Night 20

Taking all of my dishes out of the kichen (which was all but a few things) and chaining up my washing machine got my crazy roommate to move real fast. Bitch still managed to get my awesome big mug. If your name is on the lease OP, they can't kick you out since you are legally responsible for the apartment. Unless you can get your name off the lease, you stay where you are, kick them out.

Laugh and say good luck on your apartment search.

deejoy 22

You might be an asshole, OP. That, or your roommates are assholes, which is also plausible. Either way, find some people you get along with that will appreciate your credit and couches.

take your stuff and go. Let him regret his decision

This sounds suspiciously like a scam to get your stuff.

You have a couple of different options. You can stay, put up with them and their BS until your lease is up or you can look into breaking your lease. They will have to rerun their credit for them to sign a new lease and they may not be able to stay. If you do decide to move you can take all your furniture with you or sell it to them piece by piece. Make sure you get cash for it or else it goes with you on the day you move out.