By Anonyme - 17/04/2016 06:10 - Luxembourg
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how come facebook didnt remind you it was her birthday?
There are people out there, like myself, who don't use social media. Perhaps that's the case with OP
Fml is social media ;)
She could not want family on her page. my little sister has me and a few other family members blocked and she lives with us.
Not everyone on FB makes their birthday public. I don't let anyone see my birthday on FB except me. I'm old enough that my birthday isn't a big deal to me, and I don't want to spend the whole day hitting "Like" and typing "Thanks!"
Oh that's sad! How can you forget a big day like a birthday?
you need to make it up to her!
**** your life? **** her life! Her whole family forgot her birthday and ordered her a plate of pasta. Oh yeah sure sucks to be you...
While I agree that the sister has more right to be upset here, you don't seem to realize this is probably an FML because of guilt. OP likely feels like shit for forgetting, and you coming along and being a sarcastic tool about it doesn't help.
op SHOULD feel like shit for forgetting, 0 sympathy
Wow they forgot a birthday no big deal
Your sister is the queen of passive aggressive. You should give her three gifts: one for her birthday, one for forgetting her birthday, and one to congratulate her for attaining the passive aggressive throne.
Wow that's horrible. How could you forget that? Especially your parents. Imagine forgetting the day your own child was born.
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Show it anywayMaybe the family didn't make a big deal about birthdays before this, or maybe they all were busy with other important things and it slipped their mind.
If you're busy to the point that you forget your own child's/sibling's birthday, you need to do so reprioritizing of your life.
You said "hard on".... huh-huh-huh....
Hey don't feel to bad I never celebrated my birthday or holidays and look how I turned out!! ? ......yeah she'll have some trauma.
Are you JW? (Actually wondering, as they don't celebrate anything but anniversaries)
I did grow up as a JW and it sucks. We left it when I was about 12 but I had never had a birthday party or ever been to one. It did really suck a lot, especially in the fall when you had Halloween, thanksgiving, and Christmas and everyone was so excited and you couldn't celebrate any of it. Whenever the class had holiday parties I had to stay in the library and couldn't participate
As often as I see FMLs like this I wonder if I just have a weird ability to remember birthdays. I rarely forget a birthday. I even remember birthdays for people who don't deserve to have their birthday remembered. I can even rattle off the birthdays for every member of *NSYNC. Maybe I'm weird in remembering dates.
I think that's pretty awesome. I have everyone's birthdays and other important dates written down on a wall calendar (as well as notifications on my phone), since I know I wouldn't remember them otherwise. You're lucky! :)
My sister has that too
Thanks for replying, guys! I was genuinely curious if it was just me. And it's just birthdays too; I was terrible at dates in history class and I couldn't tell you the exact date I graduated high school. How strange!

**** your life? **** her life! Her whole family forgot her birthday and ordered her a plate of pasta. Oh yeah sure sucks to be you...
how come facebook didnt remind you it was her birthday?