By azerty - 10/02/2012 10:50 - Sweden

Today, it’s exam day in Sweden. Yesterday, I prepared three fountain pens and six cartridges. The exam starts. Suddenly, I’m stressing out: my pens had frozen during the night. Thanks, sub-zero conditions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 775
You deserved it 98

Top comments

That's why always keep ballpoint pen as a backup no matter where you go. They never freeze.

1. Who uses fountain pens anymore? 2. You left them in your car? (that's the only explanation I can think of as to why they'd be affected by the outdoor temperature)


That's why always keep ballpoint pen as a backup no matter where you go. They never freeze.

Yes, they never freeze... Excepting of course when they do, and then you're kind of stuck...

No, it has to be pens so answers can't be changed after handing in the exam.

Plus in England you must use black ink because all the papers get scanned and blue doesn't show up as well- I'm sure it's similar in Sweden. Pencil is worse xD We can only use pencil on diagrams

1. Who uses fountain pens anymore? 2. You left them in your car? (that's the only explanation I can think of as to why they'd be affected by the outdoor temperature)

3. YDI for time traveling to the past. it's almost summer now

in Europe and mostly the side where Sweden is it's still freezing overnight

only in the far north of Sweden, and the fml is from 2012

I read that fourth sentence as "my penis had frozen during the night." That said... Fountain pens for an exam? What kind of exam are you taking...?!

Come over to South Africa, This stuff never happens here

Not that cold here in Sweden that it would freeze unless you're an idiot and left it outside.....

30 minus i norr bro, gammalt hus räcker då

maybe next time don't leave your pens outside for four years

rinnybell210 16

Do you not have pencils in Sweden? Or even a ballpoint pen?

Adree 15

This is from February 2012. wtf?