By Anonymous - 15/06/2013 07:32 - United States - Ponchatoula

Today, my sister sent me countless pictures of my boyfriend making out with different girls at a bar. His excuse? Photoshop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 216
You deserved it 4 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What was your sister doing there with him?

Well shit, I don't know #1 maybe the sister wasn't with him and she happened to be at the same place as the OP's boyfriend, saw him with a bunch of girls and decided to watch him, probably without letting him know she was there.


He'll have plenty of time to be an unfaithful asshole now that he's single, right?

iriss_fml 12

That's nasty . You should thank your sister because she saved you from catching something .

So what?? He is not allowed to take some pictures with friend/colleague's or whatever? And even if there just some girls, he still comes home to you. That makes you a winner in the first place. Don't let jealousy ruin things. And yes, he lied but hey you can't handle the truth ;-)

I just read the words making out... I'm an idiot, never mind haha

Who is more foolish? The dumb excuse or the person who lets it slide?

You should give your sister a hug. She's a good one.

StamkosTheMan91 10

How mad will you be is your sister did photoshop them, so you will dump him, so she can date him? Hmmmm