By Rejected - 16/07/2011 13:28 - Australia

Today, my six year old son came up to me with his arms spread and said, "I feel like a hug." I got really excited and hopeful because he is very anti-social and hates physical contact. As soon as I stood up to hug him he said "Feeling's gone" and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 262
You deserved it 4 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I usually don't do this, but anti-social behaviour and avoidance of physical contact can be signs of autism. Now before anyone jumps on me, I'm not making any diagnosis here. I'm only saying they are signs that something deeper MAY be going on. Ok, now you may flame the shit out of me.

Awe you should have ran after him and gave him a bear hug anyways and a kiss on the cheek and be like "my feelings not gone kiddo!" :)


That's funny..usually you have to wait until the kids are teens for them to do that kinda stuff though.

rainbowdrive 5

LMFAO!!! This is sadly hilarious.

Kennzz 0

you should take him to see a councilor if he's antisocial. then again he's just 6.. but he sounds adorable.!

iseduran 5

therapy! hope you both feel better

619warrior281 5

To 88, I doubt thats autistic behavior. My brother is autistic and couldn't speak till he was about 6, yet alone pull a "joke" as such in op's post. i understand there are various degrees of autisim, but this just comes off as a kid learning how to be a smartass at a younger age. :D

As you just stated yourself, there are varying degrees of autism. He could be relatively mildly autistic. He may have another difficulty that isn't autism. He may well be a little shit and then we all know he'll end up being labelled as ADHD instead..

I don't get how you can insinuate the child is being a smart ass. If your brother is autistic, you know that they have difficulty interpreting emotions and analyzing social norms. Nothing about the OP's statement, including the child's prior behavior, shows the kid was doing this to be mean. He could have just been interpreting emotions he felt, then felt something else. He would have no idea that the action would be viewed as mean by his father because he can't empathize.

TalkinSmack 6
lizzyeah 0