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By darquedraconian - 12/05/2014 02:27 - United States - Rapid City

Today, my son gave me some flowers for Mother's Day. Unfortunately, the only time I can enjoy them is when I go into the bathroom where they are kept so the cat doesn't eat them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 923
You deserved it 6 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SharnaaaBanana 22

Hey, it's still a nice present, doesn't matter where you are to appreciate them. :)

Would a rose in any other room smell as sweet?


SharnaaaBanana 22

Hey, it's still a nice present, doesn't matter where you are to appreciate them. :)

exactly! still a lovely gesture. and look on the bright side - if constipation occurs, you can sit for as long as you want and stare at the pretty flowers.

larrena2377 26

@23 "Look at the flowers Lizzie, just look at the flowers" *bang*

That's the only thing I was thinking while reading this FML

fffianist 9
SharnaaaBanana 22

8, Come on, don't be so fast to judge. ^_^

SharnaaaBanana 22

Guys he changed his comment no need to down vote me.

Stargenx 6

I hope the cat called you for Mother's Day.

Cats can't speak nor do they have a phone. If you're cat fan maybe u want to have something examined like you're head.

Given your profile pic, your comment is weirdly hilarious.

20, your* Maybe you should have something examined, like your head.

rocker_chick23 27

#20: #3 was making something called a joke. Get a sense of humor and go back to school.

monkeyy100 15

at least you got a present! :)

iLike2Teabag 27

I hope you're laven-der gift anyways. Maybe the cat will know better in the fuchsia.

That pun was so good i rose to my feet and applauded.

Maccaroney 11

A pun to make one think. Well done, good sir.

Flowers are sweet. Maybe next time your son will get something the cat won't want to eat, but it is the thought that counts.

No, cats that go after plants don't tend to care what kind of plant it is - even fake ones! (I've had 9 cats over the course of my life, of those who went after plants this has always been the case. )

Would a rose in any other room smell as sweet?

I'd say just about every other room.

AnOriginalName 19

Alternative solution: lock the cat in the bathroom and put the flowers wherever you want.

Or put the damn cat outside. I love my pets to pieces but I don't let them dictate my life.

Comet_Candy 23

My cats eat flowers as well... I feel your pain, OP! It was the thought that counted, though c: I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

Trying to get my orange tabby to stop chewing on fake plants is a daily chore. It's like gum or something to her.

yes mine too.. my fiance got me roses and they too have a place of honor in my bathroom :/