By Anonymous - 24/04/2018 15:00

Today, my son was expelled from school for bullying. The event in question took place off campus, during spring break, and was a friendly scuff. The iPhone video they used as evidence clearly showed the other boy laughing his head off and both of them sharing a coke afterwards. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 891
You deserved it 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Appeal their decision! If the video does show that, then they have no grounds to expel.

Ask them to show you the rule that prohibits that off campus off grounds. Also try getting the other kids present to say something as well.


chessu 21

We just had someone in our company fired because he was joking around while being recorded (common practice, everyone wears headsets and is aware) and the crossover between the two jokes was poor and made it sound as if he was making a racist comment. The girl who made the complaint was laughing and joking along at the time, but wasn't recorded. The whole team stepped up to say that it was in fact just banter and poor change of topics and that the guy is probably the nicest in the entire building, but HR operates on 0 tolerance policy and whatever defence you throw at them they go 'Is this not what you say on the tape? It is? That is against our conduct' and that's that. Hopefully, schools aren't as strict and with the combination of recorded evidence of laughter, it being off campus and the other guy testifying in his favour you can't get this turned around, but sadly they could just as well say that 'Well, you can't prove this is not bullying in the start of the video? Doesn't matter that it's off campus, he is our student and it is against our conduct'. Also, is there any precedence to this? Perhaps you just wish to see the guy as laughing his head off and it's actually just a defence-play along mechanism and he is not comfortable with the jokes and is actually the one who reported it?

Ah, United States education. Full of old farts in suits that are scared of accents and loud noises.

The 2 students were awarded participation ribbons. The rest of the student body was offered puppies, coloring books, and counseling if needed.

Good, you don’t want your son at such an (un)educational establishment anyways.

Sue the school or take it to the board. Either way, burry them.

Ham_spam 4

This is a mutual dispute bullying is one way. For ***** sake can people take their heads out of their asses?