By nolife - 05/11/2010 23:14 - United States

Today, my stalker - an annoying guy who's dedicated the past three years of his life to stalking me at every turn - somehow got a hold of my number and started texting me at 10pm about how I have no life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 397
You deserved it 2 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sassysoprano 0

Go change your number. If you tell them you're being harassed and stalked, they shouldn't charge you for it.

To be quite honest, I think he's not really one to talk-- after all, he's the one dedicating his time to stalking you. That's pretty sad. I wouldn't worry about it, OP! Don't listen to your personal psycho. After all, he seems to have some issues.


he's been watching you so he must know what he is talking about

JacksonCampbell 9

get a restraining order you idiot.

Three years and only just now finds your number? Pretty shoddy stalking if you ask me.

.... he stalks you... then tells you that you haven't got a life? look who's taking. but, haters gon' hate, sweetie.

You need to call the cops! Law enforcement takes that shit seriously...b/c we know what people like that are capable of! If for some reason they suck & don't take it serious, go above their heads ;)

Oh, yea...since you're in California & they're desperately trying to raise their budget, officers are ticketing anyone & everyone for simple violations...I doubt you'll have a problem getting any help!

EliPorterlover 0

I have someone who does that exact thing to me!

chacha101908 0