By Anonymous - 10/07/2009 21:59 - Iraq

Today, I woke up from a nap to hear my roommate having some intimate time with his hand. The slopping and slurping sounds along with the girly man squeal as he finished haunted me all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 878
You deserved it 4 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

excusemydust 0

I think the words 'slopping' and 'slurping', as well as the phrase 'girly man squeal' are vivid enough alone to haunt me.


dinosaursmoo 0

Woah WHAT? SLOPPING AND SLURPING? How is that even possible? Someone please explain. o.O

bexox 0

Dang... I wished I had of stopped reading this post before I got to the end. That it nightmarish.

wearing sneakers in the rain will never be the same... *sigh*

oprah_fml 0

you didn't enjoy it? Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it! Jk (:

uLtra_attitude 0
KaraBooMi 0

lol.......well ya gotta do what ya gotta do

leyalu 0

OMFG YES that was the first thing I thought of too XD

Does he have a girlfriend? Yeah, his right hand.

Either that or Rosie Palm and her five friends.

oprah_fml 0

don't tell his right hand.. But he's cheating on her with his left hand. YOU DIDNT HEAR IT FROM ME.

his girlfriend is ms. thumb & her 4 daughters.

wow, some of those were really ******* terrible. lol


excusemydust 0

I think the words 'slopping' and 'slurping', as well as the phrase 'girly man squeal' are vivid enough alone to haunt me.

My sister makes a "boyish woman" death prattle when she polishes her knob.

"Sister" "Polishing her knob" Wait a second...

yeah that is kinda weird since when do girls have knobs?

yungstunna1 0

your sister has a knob? how the **** would you know?! that's sick. can anyone say incest?

That sister comment made me laugh more than the FML.

demoreice 0

lmaooo it haunts me too, the rest of the story wasn't needed :3