By mskawaiibat - 29/06/2013 10:01 - United States - Laguna Hills

Today, my step mom and her kids moved in. This is my first night sharing a room with her daughter. She snores, sleep talks, and sleep scratches the side of the bed creating a sound like nails on a chalkboard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 778
You deserved it 3 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she's angry that her mother married your father and stayed awake just to screw with you in an attempt to make everyones lives harder? I only suggest this because I've never heard of sleep scratching and you'd think the sound of nails on a chalk board would wake any one up.


KiddoKS 19

See if you can move your room somewhere else like the basement. Just make sure you bring a paddle!

Kc1001 14

it's your apartment. set the rules.

it doest say OP Has ownership of where they reside

KiddoKS 19

Although your scenario is not impossible from the wording, it's a lot more likely that the op lives with their dad, not in their own apartment.

Sleep scratching? time to call an exorcist...

cmb8280 24

My boyfriend swears I laugh in my sleep. Sometimes I laugh so hard I wake myself up "/

EmsyyyRose13 24

52- That sounds terrifying!

websphere69 27

I hope your step mom brings income to the family so you guys can can buy a bigger ******* house.

im assuming that if another bedroom was available you wouldnt be sharing a room.....time to introduce her to a pull out couch? sound machine? maybe covering side of bed with something soft like a quilt ? declaw her and a muzzle????

What if she just sleeps on the sofa ? Living room ? Ring a bell?

As long as she doesn't touch her drum set.

sorry OP you have to go through this :|