By ughno - 21/02/2010 19:50 - United States

Today, my step-mom yelled at me for an hour, calling me a slut because our male dog saw me naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 836
You deserved it 3 366

ughno tells us more.

wow this has just turned into a bug argument over who's state it better hahaha

Top comments

x805xUnknown 6

Your such a *****!! How could you do that?!

Ask your step mom how many of her ex-boyfriend were dogs...


Is your step mom a member of the " retarded" community? or is it just cuz she's from Texas and has those type of thoughts?

jayAZ 3

I miss California...somedays. Oh, yes your life...Lucky Dog, Lucky Dog. :P Sorry about your choice of Parents.

I don't think its her choice of who her parents are? And jw, what if the girl wasn't pretty? Does that mean hes lucky because he saw someone naked?

lol, Texas vs LA.. Lets bring canada into this, Eh vs Y'all (im canadien so dont bitch about me making fun of it.)

These Fmls really make us Texans either look stupid, perverted, or freakishly weird, and it's getting to be disappointing. :(

Ok, a bit immature on your step-mother's side of things.

usuckkkkk 0

tell her shes a bitch and to **** off... and make sure u say **** U, UR NOT MY REAL MOM! fyl