By R - 05/09/2016 10:27 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my teacher called a friend and me out of class and told us we had been reported for plagiarism because our answers to a problem were nearly identical, and he said that I shouldn't have shared my work. This for an assignment where significant marks were awarded for collaborating with peers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 877
You deserved it 1 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I like to imagine that there's one person responsible for each category of FML. One douchey teacher that goes from school to school, screwing students over in FML worthy fashion. As for the terrible boyfriend/girlfriend category, we'd have one person, moving frequently, making insensitive comments ("It's okay, I don't find your fatness too ugly"), and cross dressing to be the perfect bad boyfriend or girlfriend. It gets harder once you reach the children and pets categories, but you get the idea.

If he assigned the assignment he should know that answers might be similar, especially if the question is the same. Maybe he'll let y'all change a few words around. If you get in trouble for this go to your principal's office, he/she might have more sense than your teacher.


ezrajab 22

Well isn't your teacher the bright one?

It's not plagiarized if it hasn't been published.... eh? Eh?!

aredvulpix 23

I was always taught that even when working together, use different wording! if you did this, then your teacher is just an asshole. Either way, I hope you don't get in too much trouble, OP.

Eh sometimes you find you really can't please some teachers :)

What are the downvotes for? OP said collaboration was needed, but the teacher was still upset when similar class work was turned in. Either way, the teacher couldn't be pleased. Am I being misunderstood here?

I'm sorry if I came off as snarky or something--not my intention

Why is this under transportation? (Also fyl op, hope it gets sorted out)

that sucks! did anyone else have that problem too or just you?

Your answers should not be nearly identical, the information should be but the way you right is different from your friend. You may write "In 1492, Columbus set sail with Spanish ships to discover the New World." Where as your friend might write "After receiving backing from Spain, Columbus set sail in 1492 to discover new lands." Same information, 2 different writing styles. That is why a teacher can assign a whole class 1 topic and not say the whole class copied each other.