By meh - 18/01/2012 05:21 - Canada

Today, my teacher, who's Irish, called me insensitive and stupid for imitating her accent. I'm Filipino and my parents immigrated to Ireland where I was born, and then we moved to Canada when I was 14. Her response to my explanation? "Bullshit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 153
You deserved it 3 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UrLyfSuxx 0

Damn. But hey, accents are cool.


Don't worry, she was most likely too drunk to know what she was saying anyway.

JaysFanStu 3

Your teacher sounds as stupid as 90% of the fucktard teachers I had.

Haha that's nice rly. Just think about how stupid she'll feel when she finds out what u said is true. And don't stop reminding her of her stupidity..also complain and say you feel racially harassed or somethin. I know if that happened to me I'd use it to ruin the teacher and have great fun while doing it =). Enjoy this opportunity!

Actually Irish people hold their liqueur better than other ethnicities so she probably wouldn't be drunk...

Show her your lineage, which I am sure you are proud of - call her on her bullshit assertion and tell her that you inherited your accent along with everything else Irish - expect for the "drunken idiot" stigma hung on Irish people which she seems to have gotten the Lion's share of....

cherry72 13

Slap your birth certificate on her desk. She will feel stupid and u will have the upper hand for the rest of the school year.

chocodoombot 0

She still shouldn't have called you stupid =