By Anonymous - 25/04/2014 21:21 - United States - Marlboro

Today, my teenage daughter tried to convince me that the UK is a part of Canada. After I pulled out a map to prove her wrong, she got all angry and defensive, and said that nobody's perfect at "geometry". My daughter is an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 193
You deserved it 11 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrownedMyFish 18

Idiots are not exclusive to America.


Children are a product of their upbringing. If she's an idiot she got it from you. Maybe spend some time with her and teach her. Duh

I mean, she is YOUR daughter..she has to take it after SOMEbody...

I think I am friends with your daughter..does she insist that Australia is part of Asia currently too?

#3 Really? If she's a TEENAGER then clearly she should know better.

Well she does take after someone... Hahaha

Ashleynne391 1

You are a very bad parent. You are unsupportive and un-respectful. A good parent would have let her calm down, then tell her that geometry is shapes, next they would tell her that it is geography, and maybe even offer to tutor her or to hire a tutor for her.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, keep chuckling.

your daughter is a special kind of stupid isn't she?