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By kansasgirl - 02/03/2010 18:21 - United States

Today, my two year old decided to run out the front door alone. I ran after him, tripped over the bottom of my jeans, fell onto the sidewalk and scraped up both my hands and knees. My neighbors just watched. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 769
You deserved it 4 389

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blueeyes24 0

Everyone saying that she should keep her child under control... It's not like you can reason with a two year old. All kids that little misbehave sometimes and run. That doesn't make her a bad mom. And the neighbors could have assisted with the running child to make sure he didn't run into the road.

rckchlk 0

okay i posted this comment about my two year old. first of all im not fat, and im a girl. we do not live in a trailer park. and the post was suppose to be funny, he ran down our flight of stairs out the door, and when i went to grab him i tripped over my jeans and scraped myself up. im not bitching about it or even asking my neighbors for sympathy. it was a funny incident! for godsake back off. obviously a lot of you have nothing better to do than write ridiculous comments on other peoples posts.


great neighbors.. I bet that was embarassing.

This is why you cuff your pants. Or hem them. Really.

nates0210 0

I hope he got hit by a car for pulling that stunt and making you look bad!

buckmaster1984 0

nates0210,you hope he got hit by a car?You are a asshole.Maybe you will get hit by a train, the world would be a better place with one less ********.

paperisuseful 0

25, you hope nate0210 gets hit by a train? hopefully u get hit by a bus; the world would be a better place with one less ********.

buckmaster1984 0

27,STFU nobody ****** pulled your chain.

and what did you expect your neighbors to do? Kiss your booboo?

TapeMan_3000 0

yeah what are you neighbors going to do from across the yard? throw you a trampoline?

Melkezidech 0

What the hell could they have done about your fail fall?

They could have caught him, and given him some frozen peas for his boo-boos. Gosh!

iMaGiNaTe 0
kellan1100 0

tight jeans on guys are gay just saying.

It was embarrassing that there were witnesses.

do20ss 4

put that thing on a leash, or at least be a lil more coordinated when the neighbors r out n about!!

how do you scrape your knees with jeans on?

Good point, #71. Did your tot laugh, OP? Cos if he did, at least now you know how to get his attention and stop him running.

#29 is not the only absolute fail. In fact OP and neighbors...FAIL. 2 year old. EPIC son:D

no, they're not. they look cool on everyone, guys especially, and surveys show the majority of gays actually prefer baggy jeans to tight ones.

You know what #27PaperisUseful, I hope you get hit by a truck, for hoping that #25Buckmaster gets hit by a bus, for hoping that #16Nates0210 gets hit by a train, for wanting the OP's son to get hit by a car.

Roflmaoqxz 3

LOL if I was your neighbour Id've pointed and laughed too. :P

helping you won't undo the klutz that you are . good job op

1sarcasticmind_fml_fml 0

that sucks for having horrible neighbors who just stand and watch a 2 yr old run freely while you are face first on the ground..hope you don't have to depend on them for anything important.

NeonWar__ 0

#85 the kid is 2, who cares how it looks when it runs out the door!

#71 OP could have been wearing ripped jeans or ripped her jeans in the process of falling.

d4nc3r 0

doesn't seem like your life sucks that bad. people fall all the time what's so bad about yours?

theian01 3

Scrapes will go away pretty fast too. It's not like you broke anything.

The OP's luck doesn't seem that good..

Girls don't sag o: fyl though, how embarrasing :(

jennacide 0

Lol. Did you leave the door open? If so, you deserve it. Sorry for your battle wounds, seems like you'll be getting a lot more for your kid in his terrible twos. :)

OP deserves it for thinking the neighbors are obligated to help her in ANY way. People need to take responsibilty and stop expecting others to bail them out.

yoitssabrina 0

ouch,what rude neighbors >:O

Yes, I agree. Also, why didn't these pathetic neighbors try to stop the child from doing something dangerous, instead of just watching?

itz_towelie 6

i agree, when the neighbors saw the kid running infront of their house, and start to trip they should have used their magic to teleport and catch the kid before they fell... what inconsiderate jerks...

maybe you should read the story better.. then post a comment.. the child dint fall... the parent fell.. and the neighbours did nothing to prevent the child from harm.. like maybe being nice and catching the child while the mother got up and regained her self...

Eggvader 0

i know they could have at least laughed at her.damn those neighbors just standing there

itz_towelie 6

ok so i put kid instead of OP, just replace kid with OP n its fine, and you have know way of knowing OP wanted the neighbors to chase the kid when they said "and the neighbors just sat ther and watched" it just implys they wanted help in general.

The neighbors don't have to do SHIT. Period. They aren't the ones who let the kid run out and they aren't the ones who ate shit chasing the kid they let run out. Anyone thinking the neighbors are bad for not helping is a moron.

Obviously TheRipper doesn't have kids, otherwise (s)he'd know how purely unpredictable a 2 year old can be, and that you can't control your kid's actions 24 hours a day, it's not like parents have mind control powers. And that even the best behaved children do stupid shit occaisionally.

People fall over everyday... What makes you so special to have an FML?

shouldn't have a two year old around. adopt like brangelina. im sure there are plenty of kids who will be more well behaved.

well what do you want your neighbours to do? rush over and catch you? and anyway, two year olds with their stubby little legs don't run that fast, I'm sure you'd catch up eventually.

maybe the OP is fat and that's why he can't catch his kid?

are u kidding? 2 yr olds run n when they run, they only run fast. obviosly I'd want my neighbour to realise my 2 yr old is out on the loose and if I had tripped I'd expect my neighbours to go after the child. common sense.

Osakhomen 0

Not true the 2 year olds run fast. I've worked at a daycare... I'd have to chase after them all the time, and it was really easy. We'd also race all the time and I'd always win. Reminds me how much I miss working there!

Yeah the real FML is if you can't catch up to a 2 year old. Come on now, how much longer are your legs?

I agree. Does the OP expect the neighbors to come over and kiss his boo-boos? Put bandaids on? Seriously, big deal. Catch your kid and get on with your life.

wtfsauce 0

What did you expect your neighbors to do? You're old enough to take care of yourself.

seriously...what did op want them to do? I guess they could have tried catching the kid, but they probably were further away or didn't react quickly enough. besides that, they probably saw op running after the kid anyway. and it was just an accident they tripped. people fall all the time. grow up and stop crying about such small things

lol what makes u think this op is crying? he/she just posted an fml. it's not a big deal to make, don't make out that the op is crying and all that. some of u take these fmls way too seriously.

itz_towelie 6

oh the OP was crying, i was there, so i'd know

itz_towelie 6

yep, and idk why the OP said I didn't help... Who do you think put the stick she tripped on there? If it wasn't for me she woulda caught that kid for sure

pinayxine 0

my son ran out door at that age also. he thought it was funny