By Anonymous - 12/12/2011 03:33 - United States

Today, my wife and I had a huge fight. I was getting ready to go to sleep on the couch when she came downstairs and grabbed a very large metal spoon. I'm afraid to go to sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 957
You deserved it 4 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP and wife fought OP went downstairs to couch OP's wife grabbed spoon Spoon can be used to hurt people OP afraid

Well since OP isn't sleeping in the same bed with her, she probably wanted something to spoon with! :P


Nederlander95 14

Probably drown her sorrows in ice cream... I wouldn't worry

It's probably for the ice cream she has to eat to get over the fight.

I'm never going to be afraid to sleep in my own house. Go up to your room and grab your gun. Make sure she see's you grab it too. We'll see who is afraid and who isn't.

LoveALot 9

YouTube there's​ a video of longest death ever and it's a guy chasing him and hitting him with a spoon. she's probably got a jar of Nutella hidden. needs a spoon for that shit.

what could your wife do with a spoon, nvm I thought about it and now I'm afraid for you.