By ppd_sucks - 29/12/2010 20:03 - United States

Today, my wife and I received confirmation that she has postpartum depression. When sharing this with the family, my mother exclaimed "I told you she was a psycho!" Now my wife is crying louder and more often than our newborn. Thanks, mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 676
You deserved it 3 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother clearly needs to get over herself and accept your marriage. Your wife may be a "psycho" to her, but she's the "immature brat" to everyone else. Love and support your wife, and reassure her that she's definitely not what your mother says. Also, when you have the time, take your mother aside and set up some boundaries. If she can't accept them, stop coming around. For the sake of visiting your newborn, she'll probably learn to keep her mouth shut. Your mother may be blood, but your wife is your family.

MisherzzSquisher 0


fricknugget 3

I agree with your sentiment, but not your phrasing.

How was this the rest of your family's business anyway?

jahr4mkr 1

sounds like your mom is a huge jerk... or just ignorant. I'd make her apologize, otherwise the comment is just going to continue affecting your wife, and you have a new family that you have responsibility to now - not your mom.

Never divulge personal information of your marriage. While your mother was insensitive, you need to put boundaries in place. She needs to be respectful of the situation, her son, and new grandchild. Right now your wife needs support and help- seems like your mom is psych to be so mean about ppd.

MyyLifeeIssFcked 0

Ur an idiot for even sharing it with ur family. It's none of their business. Sorry but ur mom sounds like a bitch to me.

missbehavinn 2

your mom is rude! shame on her! go buy wife something special!

your mom is a bitch!! cut her off.......that will teach her to keep her fat mouth shut!!