By Brandon - 09/05/2016 02:56 - United States - Springfield

Today, my wife cancelled on our date we had planned for over a month. It would have been our first one-on-one date since the birth of our first child. Our child is over 13 months old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 420
You deserved it 1 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope she had a good reason, you guys need to get time together very soon

Candygrl987 11

Hang in there buddy! Your wife will definetly make some time for you soon!


Honestly when I first read this I thought it said 13 years old but 13 months is bad enough!!!

RedCronos 17

More opportunities will come.

Who was going to stay with the baby? Maybe she was nervous about leaving. It's important that she make time for herself and for your relationship. Children are healthier when the parents put each other first sometimes

Talk to her, this is important for both of you. There may be a sense of being scared leaving your child alone with whomever (yes, even if it's one of your parents), and it's a normal fear, but you both need to be on the same page about adult time together. Your marriage and sanity need to be tended to as well ;). Even if you have to make it a weekly 'date night' at home till she's comfortable, maybe you will need to put a bit of effort into when your child is in bed, do something together! I know sleep is precious, but three kiddos later, one divorce and in a new relationship.... Tending to your relationship and sanity is huge.... Good luck OP!

HarIeyQuinn 5

Maybe she's having insecurities

She's having some co dependency issues and that's normal, but any longer is unhealthy. Just remind her that your child will be okay and start with small steps, like going on 10 minute walks while someone watches the baby. It'll be okay! I promise. My husband and I have only gone out twice because of this, but our baby is still an infant.

blackrose1996 11

Kids take up a lot of time expesally little ones just relax and when your wife feel comfortable she'll be ok with a sitter try talking to family about watching the kids not a stranger