By sexisdead - 31/07/2016 17:16

Today, my wife discovered Cosmopolitan magazine, and now only wants to have sex if I agree to try some of their sex tips. I fear for my genitals. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 006
You deserved it 1 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As a woman who doesn't read Cosmopolitan, I have to ask: what on earth do they give as sex tips that you need to have this fear?

Let's be honest OP, this could be worse..


Offer an exchange and say you'll follow Cosmo tips if she reenacts porno scenes. (Backdoor ***** 9, anyone?) If she says it's not the same, remind her that at least with **** you can vouch that the positions are physically possible. (don't let her get a copy of the 50 Shades issue)

Say no prob. Then say to be fair when I try one from your mag you need to try one from my mag. Then break oyt a Hustler.