By Dracoboxer357 - 05/01/2013 16:00 - Canada
Dracoboxer357 tells us more.
48- It's called Couvade's syndrome, I looked it up when I started randomly throwing up in public before she did with our first child. It's also how we knew for sure we were pregnant with our second: I spontaneously puked out my truck window onto another car while driving through town. ;P I've gotten the whole roller coaster ride of emotions through two pregnancies already, I'm pretty sure it's just more of the same now. :)
Top comments
#116, What part of "****" and "life" are you not clear on? It's Draco's FML, he's a regular, and I for one am glad he's so interactive as OP. Plus, I find FML details a great dieting aid. Congrats, Draco and Mrs.! Hope you both feel better soon.
I've had an account I've never bothered to validate because I don't post here, but I just had to so I could tell OP: Congratulations! I'm sorry things are going rough, and I hope things get better and everybody stays healthy. You sound like a fantastic person, and a great husband and father. Good on you for being so interactive here with your FML too. You're probably the nicest person I've read comments from here, and I wish you and your growing family all the best! I'm sure the people giving you unsympathetic posts haven't bothered to read all your responses. Keep on being wonderful.
Mine is making me have an abortion so your lucky
What?! Lose the boyfriend, keep your baby.
No kidding, no one can "make" you have an abortion. It's your body - if he's trying to do that to you, being a single parent will be far easier than living with a controlling dick.
Lol, in a way, I kinda feel for you and your wife. My husband and I are expecting our first child, and this sounds exactly like us. FYL. ; oh well, it'll be all worth it in 9 months (:
Have fun!!!it might bring you two closer cause with you having mood swings too you probably won't think she's crazy for having some.
People are asking questions about the FML, and the OP is answering them. What's so strange about that?
135- Because they had to put Marley down at the end of the movie, even though he was a great dog. Because I told someone I loved them and didn't get the exact same answer back. Because I burnt the toast in the toaster this morning, and it was the last piece. Translation: Because of the shared sympathy symptoms of wild hormonal overload caused by my wife's pregnancy. ;) Google Couvade, it'll explain it better.
Congratulations!! Sorry to hear about the sympathy symptoms. It'll probably be a rough couple months for you guys but it'll be worth it in the end. From reading the comments you sound like a great husband and father, and I hope your wife doesn't end up in the hospital again.
So since you have the same symptoms you're pregnant to?!:D Congratulations!
On the bright side, by the end of those painful 9 months, you'll have a beautiful child :D Then the pain starts again from diaper duty and it's crying.