By Mouhahaa - 09/05/2012 03:48 - France

Today, my wife stabbed my hand with a fork, making it bleed. I'd only tried to take some fries from her plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 405
You deserved it 379

Top comments

Rule #331 Do not take food from a womans plate.

Never take food from a woman's plate or anyone's plate without asking. Especially when she's armed!


She must've had multiple siblings lol

She could have started out with "Hey, please don't take food from my plate."

Ask before you take women's food or risk losing your limbs

well even i would've done the same to somebody taking my fries :p

HarleyGal12 18

YDI for trying to take her food XD

Don't be that guy, you'll get stabbed.

Did you marry Marceline from Adventure Time? :P

Damn dude, the woman must really like her fries? FYL

shubhaam 1

Seems like a thing a violent Joey would do!

peithecelt 28

french fries are sacred. that was your own fault.