By Mouhahaa - 09/05/2012 03:48 - France

Today, my wife stabbed my hand with a fork, making it bleed. I'd only tried to take some fries from her plate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 405
You deserved it 379

Top comments

Rule #331 Do not take food from a womans plate.

Never take food from a woman's plate or anyone's plate without asking. Especially when she's armed!


poisongirl708 11

That's something bad fat girls do sometimes.

I really like the comic for this. no one deserves to be stabbed over food.

Dreagoon 6

your lucky it was only fries if you had gone for her chocolate . . . On second thought feel free to raid her chocolate stash i could use another good FML story to make me laugh.

Ahaha never mess with a girls nutella. That equals death to everyone.

If you do it on a regular base, then you deserve to get that fork in your hand if you did not ask for permission. Now if she did it just because she is like this, why do you live with some one like this? Judging by the amount of comments around here, I'm not surprised to why our current population is generations behind the last few once..... One is supposed to share and not greed over...

Holy shit I am absolutely lost for words with the sexism in this community, this was 2012, so the FML community have have very well changed but god.. A chick stabs a guy's hand with a fork for taking food from his plate, and this is funny and he deserved it? People who think OP deserved it are Toxic Vermin and I hope bad hings happen to you, you're scum that's what you are.. I'd like you to switch the genders, would these responses be the same? Would she have deserved to be stabbed?

I did comment my sentiments earlier, but as a woman who believes in (real) gender equality, I completely agree with you. Nobody wants to admit it, but in Western society today people are far more accepting of woman-to-man violence than the other way around. A girl beating on a guy is 'funny', the guy must have done something to 'deserve it', and the girl is 'strong', 'assertive', 'independent', w.e. They've done social experiments where they've staged a public 'fight' between a girl and her boyfriend, where at one point the girl starts slapping or punching the guy and you know what? Random strangers, onlookers have JOINED IN. Without even knowing what the guy's side of the story is, people have witnessed this stuff and thought 'hell yeah, this chick's really putting this douchebag in his place, he musta done something really awful to deserve this.' Look up the stats: in the US, for example, domestic violence is most often bidirectional (that is, relationships which involve domestic violence usually have both parties being abusive towards one another), and when it is one-directional the abusive partner (and I'm talking about physically abusive here) is twice as likely to be female than male. And yes, I know what everyone is thinking, women can't hit that hard so cut them some slack - true, which is why according to the stats women don't usually hit with their fists - they make up for their physical weakness by picking up a nearby weapon: a lamp, maybe even a knife. Feminists made a horrible mistake when they made domestic violence all about women being poor helpless victims. Now society condemns male-to-female violence, and glorifies female-to-male violence. It's sexist and it's sick.

Was she already upset that day or something? What she did was completely uncalled for.

If she was on her period you Don't steal fries