Murphy's law

By murphyslaw948 - 27/11/2019 05:00

Today, I fall for a guy after 3 years of being celibate, after he shows all the signs of being into me. Turns out, he likes my best friend who is dating another guy I liked and was just using me to compensate for her unavailability. Guess I am really a walking, talking example of Murphy's law. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 930
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about it. Your time will come. It came for me and I waited a long time. Just keep your head held high and focus on yourself so you know what you can bring to the table.

That's not really Murphy's Law -- you're just a booty call.


Don't worry about it. Your time will come. It came for me and I waited a long time. Just keep your head held high and focus on yourself so you know what you can bring to the table.

That's not really Murphy's Law -- you're just a booty call.

I don't think that's murphy's law at all.