By roflcopter - 19/08/2010 00:53 - United States

Today, one of my cousins offered to sell me his mac for a low price. When I got it, I realized it was an old toshiba painted white with an apple sticker on it. My cousin still insists it's a mac. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 186
You deserved it 31 512

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

Sell it to some other person dumb enough to buy it. You can't be the only one... or can you ?


LOL ! You definitely deserved that. Who buys something without checking it our ?

Nah, don't trip. Thats a mac, its just the mexican model.

haha f your cousin's life for being so stupid

YDI for wanting an Apple product. YDI for not adhering to "caveat emptor". YDI for having a cousin.

knibbsy 4

Empty the caveat? A can of Veet? Empty the can of Veet? YDI for not using Nair.

Anaxes 5

Too bad Linux can't play games properly eh?

31 your stupid, you obviously don't know shit about computers.

jokerman7734 0