By Postdotfuzz - 08/12/2009 00:12 - United States

Today, our midterm exams were returned in my urban politics class. I had studied hard and scored 86%. The blonde girl next to me got a 92. Earlier in the semester she had asked me what state Detroit was in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 597
You deserved it 9 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I didn't know either.. =/ But I'm Australian, so that's kind of excusable? D:


He's smarter than u- you IS stupid. I mean really if your going to call someone stupid at least look smarter than them

Fay303 5

Being blonde doesn't automatically mean you are a total moron. I'm blonde. I just graduated top of my class. Just FYI not everyone knows which state capital goes to which state. It's easy to get them confused. Don't be a dick just because a girl got a better score than you.

Op, Why do you even mention this girl has blonde hair? You could have easily left that part out. Stereotypical

you_failed 15

She most likely studied just as hard as you did. Just because she is blonde doesn't mean you can underestimate her intelligence.

You deserved it. Everybody deserves the grades they earn (by definition), but especially because you felt the need to point out her hair color, you deserve for her to be smarter than you.

apocalyptic_1125 0

Why is pointing out the hair color a big deal? Op was trying to explain that this girl fit the stereotypical "dumb blonde" persona, which is why he was mad. He was not trying to wage a war on every blonde person who ever existed...

Damn, I am going with you're the dumbass here. What's wrong with asking where Detroit is? Does not make a person dumb. Many people could not tell you where big cities are located. YDI big time.

guci101 14