By Postdotfuzz - 08/12/2009 00:12 - United States

Today, our midterm exams were returned in my urban politics class. I had studied hard and scored 86%. The blonde girl next to me got a 92. Earlier in the semester she had asked me what state Detroit was in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 597
You deserved it 9 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I didn't know either.. =/ But I'm Australian, so that's kind of excusable? D:


lokitachikis 0

I have a 3.8 GPA.. Nd I totally forgot what state Detroit is in(x stop being so harsh. Nd she's blonde,? so what,? a blonde girl at my school was saludictorian. maybe you're just jealous.

That's not funny just cuz she's blond doesn't mean she's stupid.

Cookiegirl222 0

Blondes are just as smart as anyone else. How would you feel if someone thought you were dumb because of you hair color? YDI

1. That's still a pretty good score 2. Not everybody know that 3. Don't be so stereotypical not all blondes are stupid

bjnono001 20

This would be so funny if OP was Asian. XD

1. That's still a pretty good scores 2. Don't be so stereotypical, most blondes aren't stupid

Seriously MakeaScene detroit is a city in michigan, definitely not a state