By tannarox - 28/01/2012 15:46 - United States

Today, our rodent problem was taken care of. I discovered this when my cat projectile-vomited a soggy, death-scented wad of dark fur and tiny organs onto the couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 793
You deserved it 2 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My cat cuts off the heads and leaves them on my doorstep at night. I wake up to find mouse heads all in a row on my porch when I leave for school..

did you taste it and find out what it was?


I sense the rodents are no longer the ones in danger?

eew. at least u didnt get puked on four times today by your cousin. that shit is nasty.

Freedom92 12

Blech, that so nasty.>_< I don't think I'd be able to clean that up without puking my own guts out.

Use the cat to exterminate the rodents and the dog to clean up the mess

jannadrina 3

Doesn't sound like the problem is solved... Lol

No matter how many people keep cats as pets, nearly half of them seem to forget that this is what cats DO. They are hunters, and have been for ages. Even your everyday fat domestic housecat has still got a wild streak in him - though they will never truly be "domestic" like family dogs. Be glad the rodent is gone, make sure your cats shots are up to date, and hire an exterminator next time. ;)

tannarox 0

#106: It wasn't an exterminator-worthy problem, just an occasional mouse or two in the garage. :)

JennysPrincess 0

Just wondering... Did you smell it to find out it smelled like death?

Isa_fml 20

believe me, if you ever smell something dead and rotting, you'll know from a pretty fair distance. you don't need to get close and sniff it. :P it's a pretty, uh, distinctive aroma.