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By Llamadroid - 22/05/2016 18:19 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, out of my whole class, I received no awards. All my teachers thought that I would get plenty from the others. Now people think I'm stupid. I have a 3.66 GPA and they won't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 728
You deserved it 1 480

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your teachers should have coordinated that better tbh

don't let others get to you. you know you have good grades and do well, that's all that should matter. If you do start to get annoyed, show them your report card, then that should clear everything up!


don't let others get to you. you know you have good grades and do well, that's all that should matter. If you do start to get annoyed, show them your report card, then that should clear everything up!

Your teachers should have coordinated that better tbh

Don't worry about it! Your grade is yours, you don't require rewards to tell you you're hard working. It sucks to not be recognized, and sadly that may be for the rest of your life in any career! If they're really concerned, (Or if you're really concerned to defend yourself) show them your report!

That's fine I was in the top 20 of my class, got no awards, but yet u have an 11.78 gpa on a 12 point scale

What schools have a 12-point scale? I've never heard of that.

kingdomgirl94 29

Here #4, we'll give you an award for most irrelevant comment. ⭐

My high school gives awards dumber than that and I'm not even kidding.

My high school actually ran on an 11.0 scale. I had no idea most other places used a 4.0 scale until I started applying for colleges.

@61, same, my school had a 8 point scale. No idea that wasnt normal till senior year.

I've been there, getting good grades across the board (apart from PE of course) and somehow managing to fly under the radar. You don't need awards though, all this hard work will pay off later. Plus it's good training for adult life when you don't get a pat on the back every time you put a bit of effort in, being self-motivated is another good skill to add to what you already have.

saffy66 34

So let me get this straight - they all thought someone else would give you one, so they didn't? Is this part of this whole 'don't celebrate a good performance so as not to hurt the feelings of the poor performers' rhetoric? Must have been thought up by the same idiots who decided that every kid deserves a trophy just for showing up. Those poor kids are in for a big shock when they enter the real world as adults.

It cuts both ways. You get the entitled brats, sure, but you also get the more aware kids seeing that everyone gets a reward regardless of whether they deserve it or not, who end up being unable to tell if praise is genuine or BS.

Hey, I really enjoyed those as a kid! All I had to do was not maim anyone and I got a trophy! All kidding aside, this really is an issue. When I was in primary school, the only people who got awards were problem children and they were all things like "most improved", not "best score". It was always a disappointment when a peer got a reward for going from an F to an E or some such when everyone else worked for their A's and B's.

Isn't there some way to prove it in your overall record?

Does it really matter what other people think?

All you need is to believe in yourself op. Nothing else matters.