By Anonymous - 02/01/2011 18:22 - United Kingdom

Today, several family members, including my mum, deleted me from Facebook in a concerted show of contempt. Apparently, I just can't shut up about World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 090
You deserved it 51 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey, your real life might suck, but that's why they made World of Warcraft.

Everyone has different tastes in things. Don't be an ass because you don't like it.


I think I might know you, what's your name?

facebook is for real human beings... go on WoWbook

YDI for 2 reasons. 1. You play WoW and 2. You are probably* addicted to it if your family thinks you can't stop talking about it.

Blue_Coconuts 7

unless you have a mother that face book stalks your friends and then laughs at the stupid shit they say/pictures they have. My mom talks more shit on FB than anyone else I know.

emodude44 0

Uggh. Good riddance. my mom FB stalks my friends. <<< For all you wow players, you can get tons of free stuff.

#24 lmao win! haha YDI you're still talking about it?