By Anonymous - 02/01/2011 18:22 - United Kingdom

Today, several family members, including my mum, deleted me from Facebook in a concerted show of contempt. Apparently, I just can't shut up about World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 090
You deserved it 51 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey, your real life might suck, but that's why they made World of Warcraft.

Everyone has different tastes in things. Don't be an ass because you don't like it.


That's what topic-based message boards and things are for. It's okay to be really into your hobbies, but if you can't scale it back for people who aren't interested and probably don't know what the hell you're talking about half the time, you've got to expect this kind of reaction.

stop playin wow so much and get a life!

whats your battle tag... I'm Julie#1708 add me

I fear if I talk about it on facebook, my friends and family will delete me.

My brother plays Warcraft too he is a real weirdo

Am I the only one that still considers "that could have happened to me" to be "YDI?

LoveALot 9

dude don't let that get ya down. some of the best people I know play wow. ? never stop talking about something you are passionate about.