By Anonymous - 02/01/2011 18:22 - United Kingdom

Today, several family members, including my mum, deleted me from Facebook in a concerted show of contempt. Apparently, I just can't shut up about World of Warcraft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 090
You deserved it 51 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hey, your real life might suck, but that's why they made World of Warcraft.

Everyone has different tastes in things. Don't be an ass because you don't like it.


I used to love wow till I relized I hadn't seen or talked to other people besides my guild for three weeks

you_guys_r_fails 0

who plays world of worldcraft

Well, apparently they all need a free 10 day trial, dear.

Ron5446 0

Iv fired people for not shutting the **** up about that stupid fn game. Your a dumb ass. Get a life.

ThisRandomChild 0

I play runes of magic, and my family and friends do the same, fyl

WoW is amazing. don't quit playing. forget them

completedumbass 0

Damn I Shuld start playing world of Warcraft if that's what it takes to have my family remove me

Crystal12349876 0

don't fell bad i have a level 49 blood elf hunter