By nerdsgetmehot - 29/12/2010 18:32 - United States

Today, six months have passed since my parents announced that they're getting a divorce. We're all still awkwardly living together because we haven't been able to sell our house yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 987
You deserved it 2 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zp5 4

It must be a little weird when you guys go to the kitchen table to eat...I mean, it must be a little quiet...



SirPlagueRat 6

I'm horrible at expressing myself through messages or comments, but... I truly am sorry, OP. Just try to be optimistic and try not to let it affect you too much. Easier said than done, I know. (I'm very pessimistic.) Again, I am sorry.

I'm sorry about your situation and I'm not trying to be rude, if you're already 21 (and I'm assuming) have a job why not just rent an apartment or something? =/

#63 I start a new job next week, but I'm flat broke right now. I have literally no money to be able to move out. And my hours for the new job are still pending, so I don't know if I'll be able to earn enough at the job to be able to live on my own for at least several months. Please don't make assumptions... :( The job market is pretty difficult nowadays!

The OP is bitching about 6 months? I've been in the awkward announcing divorce/still living together situation for the past 2 years. so OP STFU thanks

You are bitching about 2 years? There are people in Africa starving to death every single day. So midoriMentality STFU, thanks.

xFalzz 0

Someone needs a lesson in respect.

#65 Actually, a year has passed. So I've been in the situation for a year. I truly am sorry for your situation, but attacking me because you're going through the same thing doesn't sound like a good solution. How about offering advice about how to deal with this since you seem to be experienced in the matter? No? Oh well.

Your situation is unbearable at best and at worst, you feel like killing yourself. Don't kill yourself, but try to find a little space where you can just be by yourself if that is possible. Do you have a church to go to? It might have people that would help you.

I've been in that situation my whole life. Sorry OP.

You should have sex with your own mother now that she's free and clear

iimonstur 0

******* suck it up! I've been dealing with this for a year and a half!! At least your mom is looking for house!

Good for you. I'm sure you can have some empathy in that heart of yours, since you're going through relatively the same thing. Don't be a dick.