By kids next door - 18/11/2013 10:14 - United States - Mount Holly
Same thing different taste
By agstone - 09/08/2017 23:15
By ThatGirl - 19/07/2012 15:30 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/07/2019 16:15
By anonymous - 02/02/2010 17:32 - France
By TooNoisy4Me - 04/07/2016 09:46 - United States - Bellerose
By Rizmo - 25/09/2016 07:11 - United States - Cedar City
By Anonymous - 18/03/2021 08:01
By Isoldael - 07/11/2011 09:38 - Netherlands
By Anonymous - 05/07/2011 04:30 - United States
By Idontlikefireworks2 - 07/07/2018 19:00
Top comments
Stuff the firecrackers in their asses. What a wonderful ass-cracks you'll see!
is that a fantasy of yours?
Cracking the asscracks above assholes with the crackres of those assholes? Yes, of course! Where's my lighter?
you should stalk out and then sneak up on them and pepper spray those little motherfuckers. straight into their eyes.
REALLY???? I thought you aim for the feet when using pepper spray????
Time to get some sprinklers and ink bombs... maybe a few mines.
make them watch "the butterfly effect"
Have then arrested, that's criminal damage
Call the cops on them but make sure you get proof of it first
Apparently that's a federal offense, and it cannot be tolerated! Get a security camera and catch them red handed. Then beat the shit out of them.
I guess it's time to buy a metal mailbox perhaps? Or stalk them. That usually works.