By ashleigh_anarchy - 21/02/2012 01:05 - Australia

Today, someone actually thought it was appropriate to compare my mother's death to the death of their cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 305
You deserved it 3 365

ashleigh_anarchy tells us more.

ashleigh_anarchy 7

Just to follow things up. It has only been a month since she passed away. She was pretty much my best friend. She had been sick for all of my life and I looked after her for as long as I remember. In the last three months she was completely bedridden. She was a very strong woman and was expected to live 20 years less than she did, but I absolutely couldn't believe it when she died because of how much she carried on and of course I cared about it more than anything. It was the hardest thing I've ever experienced, and am still experiencing. The cat in question was a stray cat, and I posted this because why the **** would I post an FML on the day she died? I can tell you now I was doing a lot more important things. This is my reaction to an idiot one month later, who said 'Sorry about your mum. I know how you feel, my cat died'. Nothing should be more important than the relationship with your mother. If you never got to have a good relationship with yours, I'm very sorry. But yeah, I have lost pets and I was distraught but NOTHING can compare. If you haven't lost a close parent, you can't imagine.

Top comments

that's terrible. i'm sorry OP. some people don't put things into perspective


Evilpirate 10

Some people are so inconsiderate. Sorry OP :(

I'm sorry for your loss, but many people mourn as deeply for their non-human family members as their human family members. Love isn't species-specific.

I'm sorry. Why do people feel the need to one up each other when it comes to tragedies?

death is death she may of been close to the cat not saying it was the right thing to do but ya no

well, I was more upset about the death of one of my cats than the deaths of my grandparents. and I'm sure I'll continue to be upset about dying cats while not giving a flying **** about dying humans, including (and especially) my parents. some people react very strongly to the deaths of pets, especially if they were very attached to them.

Dylan Bower 9

I know how you feel a couple years after my mother past away my father past away and his bitch sister said "my mothers death doesn't matter anymore"