By - 01/05/2011 07:03 - Canada

Today, someone asked my wife if I was her father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 469
You deserved it 7 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahahaha. that sucks. you should have played along. "yup and I love to bang her every night" and he will be like O.O


Well even if it's not her, whoever it is has legit eyes!


lmao that happened to my dad with my mom at the hospital one time.

n1c0l3t 0

awe I'm sorry :( love is love no matter what age. she just better not be some gold digger is awl.

someone asked me if I was my fathers wife.

They were probably just giving your wife a compliment, Not trying to be mean to you.

so basically... you look great for your age.