By Anonymous - 02/09/2015 18:02 - United States

Today, someone left sticky notes with inspirational messages on everyone's locker. Well, almost everyone. My locker was the only one without a note. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 605
You deserved it 1 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FalloutScrolls 25

Don't feel bad, OP. I know it looks crappy, but maybe it was something as simple as the note on your locker falling off and someone came by thinking it was just random garbage on the floor.


Your sticky note probably fell off or something! Or maybe you already seemed inspired :)

Or maybe OP had a really inspirational one that someone had to grab it.

Hopefully it wasn't intentional and they accidentally skipped over it because they were trying to think of something special just for you. Still I'm sorry that happened.

Obviously your locker had the best one and someone took it. Feel awesome about it. This is the only scenario don't listen to anyone else

FalloutScrolls 25

Don't feel bad, OP. I know it looks crappy, but maybe it was something as simple as the note on your locker falling off and someone came by thinking it was just random garbage on the floor.

Maybe they thought you were so inspirational yourself that you didn't need extra inspiration

xKrisSmoove 21

Maybe someone that didn't get one toke yours and put it on their locker

Be your own inspiration! Sometimes people are just assholes, don't make too much of it.

Maybe someone took it off or it just fell?

imkool136 22

Maybe they just forgot. I doubt they meant to do it. I hope you don't let it get to you too much:)

Let's be honest, did you even want one?

koganti 18
BaDumTsss_fml 23

They probably thought they could set you up to look like you were the one who did it, making more people like you

you are amazing, there's ur inspirational message