By ms piggy - 15/12/2011 21:52 - United States

Today, stepping on a scale for the first time in years, I had to lift up my stomach to see the number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 024
You deserved it 43 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You deserve the trending in twitter, Forever Lazy :)

LaylaaMariee 0

I think you should look into some life style changes man.... :)

Ari1337 15

Did any one use the 'over 9000!!!!' joke yet?

OhMyAlla 0

Really how do you let yourself get that fat.. Instead of complaining about not being able to see the number why don't you stop eating or actually try to lose weight..?

Igor_g5 0

There's know excuse to allow yourself to get that fat.

You've got to start somewhere - but that place isn't self loathing, get out there and do. I was formerly 275lbs so I know the pain, and that it's not as black and white as just "letting yourself be fat" Good luck, I hope you change your lifestyle.

SakuraFubuki92 12

You know what's worse than being obese? The Holocaust.