By ms piggy - 15/12/2011 21:52 - United States

Today, stepping on a scale for the first time in years, I had to lift up my stomach to see the number. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 024
You deserved it 43 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments


KaskStunter 4

Did the scale blinked "high score" on its display?

ak4608 8

Maybe "mrs piggy" isn't the best user name...

peepeeparee 0

I wish I had your problem.. I'll be honest and shameless. I'm 5'6" and I weight 186.3 (just did my hourly check). I consider myself extremely overweight, and have become obsessed with weighing myself and have literally started having panic attacks when I get really hungry. I would love to be able to just... not hop on a scale for as long as you obviously went. Get healthy girl.

peepeeparee 0

Also... I think I should add... don't try any of the fad diets... they don't work. Don't try starving yourself (I did... and it got to the point where I would be afraid to eat because I wanted to lose just one more half a pound before bed.) Oh... and if anyone ever suggests using Adderall to surpress your appetite... don't do it. Yes it works, but it will mess your body up- especially your heart. Then you get to the point where you can't function without it.

peepeeparee 0

My point to these excessively long comments is to tell you that if and when you decide to do something about your weight... do the right thing. Don't end up like me. I'm borderline anorexic, and on a vicious cycle of Adderall to get through the day, xanax to stop panic attacks (that are brought on by the Adderall) and sleeping medication to go to sleep. Best wishes my friend. At least you took the first step (literally).

Damn I'm right there with you. Get a scale that talks.

maybe somebody will buy you a huffy for christmas.

ThecomingofTan 9

I wish I had your problem, Op. That way I could hide the fact that I have Erectile Dysfunction and that those mannequins at Old Navy would just love me for who I truly am.