By candie - 27/08/2011 02:10 - United States

Today, thanks to my wife's confession, I found out that the 14 year old child I've raised since I was 16 isn't related to me at all. But at least this narrows the real father down to one of three other guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 608
You deserved it 4 307

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell yer wife "life's not a garden, so don't be a hoe" !

Well, if you raised a child for 14 years i would say the blood-relation shouldnt matter.


they're only her dad biologically and you and your wife were clearly a good couple to have lasted that long

My cousin has a stepfather and they're not related by blood... Being a stepchild/parent is being related by marriage like being a mother-in-law

tcj2010 5

Better yet 1-800-CHOKE-DAT-HOE

so pretty much your whole life has been a lie. this would be much worse than say, an affair that happens AFTER 14 years of marriage. if you stay with this whorre and the little bastard(well, that's what he factually is), you are never going to have any respect from her or yourself.

That really sucks, but no matter what that child only knows you are their dad... keep being the good father you have been

You've been raising this kid when you were 16?

Duh it's not yours, you wouldn't have a baby when you're 2-_-

Raivyn_Grimm 9

Ok. I'll say it. @281, hes not saying he had the kid when he was 2. Read it again. And check your math, hon.

You just went full retard, son. Never go full retard.

Lucky7Samson 10

Bounce on that bitch and her bastard child.

Brianna_Ray 23

Hope you're not raising the child any differently. Still you're child, even if not by blood!