By hellokitty133 - 30/09/2011 01:56 - United States

Today, the boys who sit at my math table decided it would be funny to throw broken pencils at my boobs to see if they were real. They did this the entire class period. I have to work with this group for the rest of the school year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 003
You deserved it 3 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick em in the nuts and see if they're real.

Tell them that's the closest they'll ever get to ****.


Haha that was me in middle school. Throwing wood chips into a low-cut FTW

lovebunnies 5

couldn't you have told the teacher to change groups because of what they were doing?

One how old r u and two r they real and can we see?

Stop being a nasty beezy and stay something

j3ebrules 13

That's when you fling heavy shit at their balls to see if THEY are real.

Or..... She's just letting them throw pencils at her boobs for attention... Should have your boobs hanging out in school anyways, b/c guys are stupid! O.o