By hellokitty133 - 30/09/2011 01:56 - United States

Today, the boys who sit at my math table decided it would be funny to throw broken pencils at my boobs to see if they were real. They did this the entire class period. I have to work with this group for the rest of the school year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 003
You deserved it 3 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kick em in the nuts and see if they're real.

Tell them that's the closest they'll ever get to ****.


onorexveritas 23

if they were doing it throughout the whole class you must not have felt anything otherwise you'd be complaining about the pain ... if they were real anyways...or maybe you should cover up your chest and shank them

mrlopez 13

...a booby trap! (damn iphoney duplicated my earlier posts and ran away)

I don't think a broken pencil can break a fake boob.

missbadluk 0

That's when you immediately stop them and get them in trouble for sexual harassment. If you let them do it all class period then you obviously were ok with the attention. Try having a tad respect for yourself when boys try and amuse themselves with YOUR body parts. YDI

cajekraze 7

Stand up, loudly express your disapproval, then sit back down. Make sure you state the problem, don't just tell them to stop. Any smart teacher would immediately reassign you. you do not have to accept sexual harrassment