By random0605 - 29/09/2011 05:01 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Taylor D - 07/08/2011 04:40 - United States
By secretdeo - 24/08/2009 04:48 - United States
By - 01/05/2011 07:03 - Canada
By 918boyz - 04/02/2009 22:23 - United States
By ghgfd - 06/03/2013 14:53 - Canada - Barrie
By Anonymous - 27/08/2019 12:00
By bunintheoven - 23/10/2012 04:21 - United States - Seligman
By Anonymous - 17/06/2009 16:32 - Russian Federation
By super maman - 30/09/2014 03:08 - France - Montauban
By Anonymous - 31/12/2011 06:21 - United States
Top comments
You got a sxy body!!
-cough- Yes XD
Just say you're buying for his fat wife. Clerk: is this for you? op: no, its for your fat wife who cant stop eating at McDonalds. Herp derp...
#55 - Thank you.
is ok at least your trying to better yourself
It's called lying. Sometimes it's the best way out. If a woman asks you if some pants make her butt look fat, the answer is always no. Even if looks like she's smuggling two watermelons coated in large-curd cottage cheese, any other answer with bring hellfire down on you.
Unless she's black. Then you say yes, even if she has a flat ass XD
No. Your butt makes your butt look fat.
I dislike nosy cashiers. There's a big difference between making small talk and invading the customer's privacy, particularly with those sort of items. I mean if someone buys tampons are you going to say "on your period, eh?" I don't imagine you would, unless you lack etiquette in all forms.
You could have... Why tell the truth about that?
What a stupid question, I guess that's why they work at walmart
None of their business
"No it's for that loose mouth of yours sir."