By random0605 - 29/09/2011 05:01 - United States

Today, the clerk at Walmart asked me if the stretch mark cream I was buying was for my wife. I wish I could've said yes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 890
You deserved it 4 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cookies61889 15
Buttsexpirate 9

"No it's for that loose mouth of yours sir."


Just say you're buying for his fat wife. Clerk: is this for you? op: no, its for your fat wife who cant stop eating at McDonalds. Herp derp...

is ok at least your trying to better yourself

perdix 29

It's called lying. Sometimes it's the best way out. If a woman asks you if some pants make her butt look fat, the answer is always no. Even if looks like she's smuggling two watermelons coated in large-curd cottage cheese, any other answer with bring hellfire down on you.

Unless she's black. Then you say yes, even if she has a flat ass XD

No. Your butt makes your butt look fat.

kiraleann 16

I dislike nosy cashiers. There's a big difference between making small talk and invading the customer's privacy, particularly with those sort of items. I mean if someone buys tampons are you going to say "on your period, eh?" I don't imagine you would, unless you lack etiquette in all forms.

Ricky23J 0

I can see you nip in your pic, js.

kiraleann 16

I have no idea what you're looking at, I had at least two shirts and a padded bra on when I took that picture so if anything it's a shirt wrinkle.

Ricky23J 0

I can see a wrinkle in your shirt in your pic, js.

perdix 29

"No, it's for my partner, he's got them radiating out from his asshole in a starburst pattern. Yeah, my dick is that big! Are you glad you asked?"

You could have... Why tell the truth about that?

Sparkiee93 3

"Yes, it is." Then get on with your life.

What a stupid question, I guess that's why they work at walmart